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Beauty treatments

On this page you will find all the information related to the "Beauty treatments" available at 'By Martine Sophia'. Do you still have questions after reading this information? Then you can always contact me, look under the heading "Contact".

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Kalahari treatments

Kalahari Lifestyle was inspired by an extraordinary journey that began in the vast open plains of the Kalahari Desert in Africa. Kalahari Lifestyle's mission is to provide visible skin improvement with every treatment without making concessions. Every retail product must do what it promises and be affordable for all women & men who want the best for their skin.


The Kalahari range is more than a natural skin-improving treatment, it is an experience from Africa itself. The colors of the earth, the rough textures and the rare scents are all wrapped in the life-creating goodness of nature. The Kalahari Lifestyle experience is an intimate journey that connects the ancient secrets of Africa with the user through touch, sound, scent and visual interaction. Each treatment is specifically tailored to meet the needs of the individual and together create the ultimate wellness experience.


Using only naturally harvested botanical ingredients; Carina and her team of developers have captured the simple goodness of nature in every Kalahari product. Superior vegetable oils and phyto-effective extracts are blended into quality skin care products that nourish and repair your skin.


There are different types of "Kalahari treatments". For each treatment, a treatment card will be filled in in advance and your wishes and expectations will be discussed. The Kalahari treatments are suitable for men and women and every skin color. Pay attention! The Kalahari treatments are beauty treatments that you build up gradually and the emphasis is mainly on skin improvement. Some treatments are also only possible when using the recommended home products. The Kalahari treatments do not include a shoulder / neck / décolleté massage as standard. If you would like it, this can be indicated in advance and an additional price for the massage will be charged.


Kalahari has several options;


With each treatment, we work specifically with products that suit your needs and skin. So you never get standard treatment. But always an instant glow! Experience it yourself now.


What do the treatments look like?

Move below to view the explanation of the treatments.

Kalahari behandelingen
Hydrating Honeybush treatment

❤ Double cleansing.

❤ Peeling.

❤ Facial massage with warm Honeybush mask.

❤ Day- or nightcare.

Kalahari Detox 

❤ Double cleansing.

❤ Removal of impurities.

❤ Charcoal mask.

❤ Honeybush mask

❤ Phyto effective serum.

❤ Day- or nightcare.

Lipid Rich 

❤ Double cleansing.

❤ Peeling.

❤ Massage with massage butter.

❤ Honeybush soufflé mask.

❤ Phyto effective serum.

❤ Day- or nightcare.

Vitamin C 

❤ Double cleansing.

❤ Peeling.

❤ Vitamin C treatment.

❤ Clay/mud mask.

❤ (massage of cleavage, neck & shoulders can be booked separately for 12.50)

❤ Phyto effective serum.

❤ Day- or nightcare.

Phytic Clay 

❤ Double cleansing.

❤ Peeling.

❤ Clay mask.

❤ Honeybush mask.

❤ (massage of cleavage, neck & shoulders can be booked separately for 12.50)

❤ Phyto effective serum.

❤ Day- or nightcare.

Revitalising Vita-gel 

❤ Double cleansing.

❤ Peeling.

❤ Vita-gel mask.

❤ Phyto mask.

❤ (massage of cleavage, neck & shoulders can be booked separately for 12.50)

❤ Phyto effective serum.

❤ Day- or nightcare.

Vitamin C Eye

❤ Eye cleanse. .

❤ Anti-puffiness eye serum.

❤ Phyto Vitamin C treatment of the eyes.

❤ Honeybush mask. 

❤ Anti-puffiness eye serum.

Phyto Enzyme Compound 

❤ Double cleansing.

❤ Peeling.

❤ Glycolic peeling.

❤ Honeybush mask with phyto clay/mud.

❤ (massage of cleavage, neck & shoulders can be booked separately for 12.50)

❤ Phyto effective serum.

❤ Day- or nightcare.

Skin Rejuvenation 

❤ Double cleansing.

❤ Peeling.

❤ AHA peeling.

❤ Honeybush mask.

❤ Phyto effective serum.

❤ Day- or nightcare.

D-Age 5 

❤ Double cleansing.

❤ Peeling.

❤ D-AGE 5 peeling.

❤ Honeybush mask.

❤ Phyto effective serum.

❤ Day- or nightcare.


Casmara treatments

The Spanish cosmetics house Casmara has been developing high-quality products in the field of skin care for many years. The products are now sold worldwide in 44 countries. The company has its own laboratory, which allows them to take care of the production and distribution of this high-quality cosmetic line. The unique alginate masks form the core of the range, but special treatments and ampoules are also used very successfully by many salons in the Netherlands. There are different types of "Casmara treatments". For each treatment, a treatment card will be filled in in advance and your wishes and expectations will be discussed. The Casmara treatments are suitable for men and women and every skin color. Pay attention! The Casmara treatment is a completely different treatment than a 'classic' beauty treatment and the emphasis is mainly on the effect of active ingredients on the skin by means of different types of massages, massage techniques and a special mask that lowers the temperature of the skin by 6 degrees Celsius.


Casmara has a different vision of a beauty treatment and this experience is certainly not like the well-known 'classic' beauty treatment.


Casmara has 3 different options;


30 min Casmara Cleansing treatment


55 min Casmara treatment


60 min Casmara Anti-Age treatment


With each treatment, we work specifically with products that suit your needs and skin. So you never get standard treatment. But always an instant glow! Experience it yourself now.


What do the treatments look like?


Casmara Anti-Age 


❤ Reiniging van ogen, lippen, gelaat, hals en decolleté. 

❤ Diepte reiniging dmv peeling of lysing (fruitzuur, melkzuur).

❤ Massage met een ampul.

❤ Massage met een serum.

❤ Massage met een crème.

❤ Casmara masker.

❤ Massage hals/nek, schouders & decolleté.

❤ Dag- of nachtverzorging.

[Keuze uit: Skin Sensation, Ocean Miracle, RGnerin, Age Defense, Infinity, Nácar, Elixir Cell behandeling  ]

Casmara Cleansing 


❤ Cleansing of the .

❤ Peeling.

❤ Verwijderen van onzuiverheden.

❤ Massage met een serum of ampul. 

❤ Dag- of nachtverzorging.



❤ Reiniging van ogen, lippen, gelaat, hals en decolleté. 

❤ Diepte reiniging dmv peeling (fruitzuur, melkzuur).

❤ Massage met een ampul.

❤ Massage met een serum.

❤ Massage met een crème.

❤ Casmara masker.

❤ Massage hals/nek, schouders & decolleté.

❤ Dag- of nachtverzorging.

[Keuze uit: Goji, Shine Stop, Purifying, Q10, Eye Perfection behandeling ]

Casmara behandelingen

Speciale huidverzorging

Wist je dat je bij "By Martine Sophia" ook terecht kunt voor speciale huidverzorging?


Heb jij last van huidproblemen?

  • Acne

  • Rosacea

  • Littekens

  • Couperose

  • Pigmentvlekken

  • Verslapte of vale huid

  • Overgevoelige / eczeem huid

  • Wallen, kringen en kraaienpooitjes?

Weet jij niet meer hoe je jouw huidprobleem moet aanpakken?
Neem dan contact op met “By Martine Sophia”.
Gediplomeerd en gespecialiseerde schoonheidssalon voor al je huidproblemen!
Laat je huidproblemen verminderen of zelfs verdwijnen in minder dan 3 maanden*.

By Martine Sophia beschikt over de volgende specialisaties/diploma's.

  • Acne specialisatie

  • Camouflage specialisatie

  • Bindweefsel specialisatie

  • Shiatsu specialisatie

  • Lymfedrainage specialisatie

  • Cidesco International Beauty Therapist

Blijf niet langer rondlopen met je huidprobleem en de schaamte die je daarvoor hebt. Neem contact op en samen kunnen wij een geschikt behandelplan voor jou opstellen zodat jij binnen 3 maanden* naar een ideale huid kunt werken! 


De meeste behandelingen zullen bestaan uit een kuur behandeling, dit betekent dat er minimaal 6 behandelingen zullen plaats vinden in de salon en dat je voor thuis wordt voorzien van producten om het gewenste resultaat te behalen/behouden.


Nieuwsgierig, of misschien toch nog vragen? By Martine Sophia zal al je vragen beantwoorden. Wil jij dat By Martine Sophia contact met jou opneemt? Vul dan het formulier in op de "contact" pagina en ik neem zo snel mogelijk contact met jou op! Of klik op de "bel mij terug" button hieronder.








* Mits gegeven advies opgevolgd wordt &  thuisproducten gebruikt worden.

Speciale huidverzorging

Donker gekleurde huid

By Martine Sophia donker gekleurde huid schoonheid tilburg breda rijen brabant

Wist je dat de donker gekleurde huid tijdens een schoonheidsbehandeling anders behandeld moet worden dan de licht gekleurde huid? Dit omdat de donker gekleurde huid, snel vochtarm is en keloïd kan vormen als deze beschadigd raakt. 

By Martine Sophia is gespecialiseerd in de behandeling van de donker gekleurde huid en de behoeftes daarvan! 

De producten van Kalahari, Casmara, Lycon & BrowTycoon zijn uitermate geschikt voor de behandeling van alle huidskleuren, mannen of vrouwen. 

Ben jij ook nieuwsgierig naar een behandeling gericht op de donker gekleurde huid? Neem dan even contact op voor meer informatie, of maak een afspraak online. 

Donker gekleurde huid

​Brazilian wax / Rijen / Schoonheidsspecialist /Schoonheidsbehandelingen 

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